
Mercredi - 11h10 - 11h50
Mediacampus – Forum

Nouveaux modèles d’énergie en circuit-court : Exemples de Lhyfe et Qarnot

Elsa Venisse


Head of Development for Responsible DIgital Sector @Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement

Passionate about innovation meaning awarness and progress,
I have been working internationally in Business Development and Project Management, whether in large companies, clusters, SMEs and startups, always in regards to innovation issues, within public and private ecosytems.
Troughout these experiences I have confirmed my interest in the digital culture as a mean to gather different disciplines in order to achieve positive innovation on traditional economic sectors.
Lately, I have been using my experience and networks to promote and boost the – the innovation and « tech » ecosystem of Nantes & St-Nazaire, attracting digital companies and enthusiastic people about our local innovative challenges in terms of ecological and societal transition. Helping coming entrepreneurs with diving into the local business networks and facilitating their implementation.